Python Programming: A Concise Introduction - Coursera Free Courses

Python Programming: A Concise Introduction - Coursera Free Courses

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The goal of the course is to introduce students to Python Version 3.x programming using hands on instruction.


The goal of the course is to introduce students to Python Version 3.x programming using hands on instruction. It will show how to install Python and use the Spyder IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for writing and debugging programs. The approach will be to present an example followed by a small exercise where the learner tries something similar to solidify a concept. At the end of each module there will be an exercise where the student is required to write simple programs and submit them for grading. It is intended for students with little or no programming background, although students with such a background should be able to move forward at their preferred pace.
The course is four modules long and is designed to be completed in four weeks.
SPECIAL NOTE: Python Programming: A Concise Introduction course will close for new learner enrollment on 2/16/22. In order to earn a Course Certificate, you will need to complete all graded assignments by 8/16/22. If you are interested in earning a Course Certificate for this course, please upgrade or apply for Financial Aid by 8/16/22. If you are a Coursera for Business learner, you can continue to use your sponsored credit through that date.

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