Free Docker Tutorial - Learn Docker asap[Hands on practical] - Udemy Free Coupon

Free Docker Tutorial - Learn Docker asap[Hands on practical] - Udemy Free Coupon

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Learn to containerize your application with Docker and manage multiple docker container with Docker Compose - Free Course


Docker, the container management tool is ranked 1 in "Most Loved " and 2 "Most Wanted" platform" in the 2019 and 2020 StackOverflow Survey. This symbolize the demand and popularity of Docker, that is shooting up and beyond.
In this course, you'll learn about all the fundamental concepts of docker such as
What is Containerization?
What is virtualization?
Difference between VM and containers
How containers work and much more.
and then there will be lots of practical labs to make you capable of applying docker skills at the Information Technology (IT) Industry. As demand of Devops engineer is increasing rapidly, having Docker as a skill will help you to grab the valuable opportunity.
The average salary of a DevOps engineer is about $140,000 per year in Silicon Valley area which is 20% higher than the salary of a software engineer. So mastering this DevOps skills implies you will be staying ahead in the competitive job market!
Practical labs included:
Running all the important docker commands
Exploring Docker hub
Creating own docker image
Publish custom image on the Docker Hub
Build custom dockerfile
Learn to build Composer to manage multiple containers
and much more
Enroll this course now to become expert on most compelling technologies of the last decade. This crash course is fully packed with useful hands-on covering the key concepts at the same time without wasting crucial time of developer like you.
Who this course is for: Software developers Sysadmins aka System Administrators IT professionals Anyone looking to deploy their apps easily and quickly Cloud Infrastructure Engineers

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