Free Web Development Tutorial - Learn Web Development by Creating a Social Network - Udemy Free Coupon

Free Web Development Tutorial - Learn Web Development by Creating a Social Network - Udemy Free Coupon

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Learn to code from scratch by building your own Social Network with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Meteor - Free Course


Learn to code from the ground-up by building a fully functional social network with real-time capabilities.
Sounds crazy right! But it’s not beyond what you can do these days! and this course will guide you step-by-step through the process.
This course is made for absolute beginners. No prior programming knowledge is required to take this course. The main goal of the course is to give you a quick exposure to the full development stack, using JavaScript, as opposed to the usual approach of learning one thing at a time and never getting a “big picture” view.
These are the exciting topics we teach in the course:
HTML CSS Responsive web design JavaScript DOM access and manipulation Meteor to build web applications MongoDB to store and query your data The course follows a project-based approach. Concepts are introduce as we need them to build our social network project. We strongly believe this is the best approach for people who are starting web development and want a quick look at the entire process, instead of covering each topic in depth right away.
Pablo Farias Navarro is a software developer and founder of ZENVA. Pablo has been programming since 1996 and has taught programming to over 100k students. By following our usual project-based approach, by the end of this course you’ll have the skills to create solid web applications.
Who this course is for: Motivated students who want to learn web development and don't know where to begin This course is for beginners, no prior programming experience required. This course is not for advanced programmers or people looking for advanced content

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