Free Tutorial - Laravel 8 – Build a shopping cart & deploy it on Cloudways - Udemy Free Coupon

Free Tutorial - Laravel 8 – Build a shopping cart & deploy it on Cloudways - Udemy Free Coupon

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Learn how to build a Laravel project & Deploy it using Cloudways - Free Course


Have you been trying to learn Laravel and are you ready to take it a step further by creating a shopping cart? Try this 2-hour free course out!

Who this course is for
· People who are looking for web programming jobs
· People who want to learn everything about Laravel
· People who struggle with projects
· People who want to learn how to host a Laravel project on Cloudways

Version numbers of this project
· Laravel 8.7
· Tailwind 2.0

What will we do?
Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks out now. Learning the fundamentals of a language is one thing, but learning through real-life projects is another. In this course, we will be creating the following:
· Basic home page
· Shop page that shows all products
· Specific product page
· Shopping cart

What will you be learning in this course?
· How to setup Controllers, Models, Migrations & Routes
· Setup database seeders
· Storing images correctly through the storage
· Building the frontend from an existing repository
· Making our pages dynamic
· Saving products into a session
· Deleting products from a session

What will we not be doing?
Udemy courses can be a maximum of 2-hours, so I had to cut some parts out of this tutorial. We won’t be creating the following:
· Authentication
· A payment system
· A total amount overview
Working on local projects is awesome when you are a beginner. But what comes after? We will be using a cloud managed hosting platform called Cloudways to host our project simply in a couple steps, into the cloud!
Who this course is for: People who are looking for web programming jobs People who want to learn everything about Laravel People who struggle with projects People who want to learn how to host a Laravel project on Cloudways

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