JavaScript for QA Engineers and SDETs - Udemy Free Coupon

JavaScript for QA Engineers and SDETs - Udemy Free Coupon

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Learn to code in JavaScript so you can pass your coding interview. Specifically designed for QA. No experience required! - Free Course


This course was created and designed to teach JavaScript fundamentals from the beginning, for beginners.
I will be walking you through the basic features of JavaScript and bring you to a point where you will be confident to call yourself a JavaScript developer.

Not just for QA Engineers!
I have designed this course with QA Engineers as the main audience. But all the lessons and lectures apply for anyone wanting to learn JavaScript.

QA Engineers
I am going to teach you and focus in on all the parts of JavaScript that are important for a QA to successfully transition into an SDET.
You will be ready to use test automation frameworks that use JavaScript like Protractor, WebDriverIO, or Nightwatch JS.

We will go over what a coding interview will look like and we will walk through some sample exercises.
You will end the course with a final project where you will create a utility app to provide data that you can use in your testing in the future.

What you will be learning:
The basics: variables, if statements, loops, arrays, functions, and objects
How to run your code in the browser console
How to work with JSON data
How to hook your code up to a web application
How to manipulate the DOM
How to enforce coding standards with Linting
How to test your code with unit testing

How I teach:
I don't believe in giving a lot of lectures where I just talk and you listen. So you are not going to have any lectures on the "history of JavaScript".
I want you to always be coding.
The lessons are quick and to the point. You will follow my lectures through examples and have opportunities to practice what I taught.
Who this course is for: Anyone new to coding with a desire to learn JavaScript QA engineers wanting to learn coding for test automation

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