Bitcoin blockchain - Under the hood for beginners. - Udemy Free Coupon

Bitcoin blockchain - Under the hood for beginners. - Udemy Free Coupon

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In this course you will learn how bitcoin blockchain works internally and related technical concepts. - Free Course


In this course you will learn how bitcoin blockchain works internally and technical concepts which people generally don't know.
Topics you will learn are :
Bitcoin Introduction
Addresses - Private key and public address
How to generate addresses.
Who are miners?
Proof of work
What makes blockchain so secure.
Ways to buy and sell bitcoin.
Merits and demerits of using online exchanges
Other Applications of blockchain.
Analysis of latest block of bitcoin blockchain.
8 Quizzes to make you better understand concepts.
After this course you will be able to :
Clearly explain technical concepts of blockchain
You will also be able to quickly understand working of other blockchains like ethereum as basics for all the blockchains is same.
You will be able to understand what is going on by looking at latest block of bitcoin blockchain.
You will be more confident to buy or sell crypto currency.
You will know how to keep crypto currency safe.
Additional info:
"The Growing Shortage of Blockchain Talent
Technology that was once considered to be overhyped is now recognized as a promising innovative technology. Since its introduction into the mainstream with other emerging technologies such as AI, IoT, and others, Blockchain developers and technocrats have found it revolutionary. Although the technology is maturing at a rapid rate, the growing shortage of blockchain professionals is a well-documented concern all around the world." - blockchain-council.
Who this course is for: Technologists curious about blockchain technology and bitcoin working under the hood.

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