Pentest Handbook: SQL Injection To Shell Uploading - Udemy Free Coupon

Pentest Handbook: SQL Injection To Shell Uploading - Udemy Free Coupon

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Learning SQL Injection By Doing Complete Project including Detection, Exploiting, and uploading shell - Free Course


SQL injection vulnerability is one of the OWASP Top 10. In this course, we are teaching you how to perform penetration testing step by step. We are going to focus on SQL injection vulnerability. We start from scratch, so everyone who has no prior knowledge should not be worried about understanding the course. We present the concepts in a simple way. This course is divided into three main sections.
Section 1 : How to set up your own hacking lab
Introduction to virtual machines
Introduction to Hacking Labs Resources
Installing SQLI to shell Lab
Network Adapter Troubleshooting
Section 2: SQL Injection Workshops
Break and fix the query
Finding number of columns
Finding vulnerable columns
Union Select Attacks
Database information
Finding the databases
Finding the tables
Finding the columns
Dump the data
Decrypting Hashed Password
Section 3: How To Upload Shells And Bypass Upload Restrictions
Uploading CMD shell
Bypassing Upload Restrictions
Working with CMD Shell
At the end of the course, you will be able to perform information gathering, crawl the web application, detect SQL injection vulnerability, work with developer tools in browser, run query to dump the data, upload a shell, and run some commands to get information about the server and web application.
Who can benefit from this course?
Everyone who is interested in learning penetration testing as a career.
Everyone who is interested in teaching cyber security
Everyone who is tired of watching useless tutorials
What is next step?
Stay Tuned for OWASP Labs Courses

Who this course is for: Anybody who wants to learn Penetration Testing From Zero To Hero Anybody who wants to start a Career as a pentester Anybody who wants to learn and teach ethical hacking

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