Rational Thinking - Udemy Free Coupon

Rational Thinking - Udemy Free Coupon

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Change your irrational thoughts, dysfunctional emotions and maladaptive behaviours. Take control over your life


The way you think influences the way you feel and behave. Irrational thoughts will lead to emotional distress and behavioral problems. Rational thoughts will help you experience positive emotions or negative, yet adaptive emotions. We all experience both types of thoughts - rational and irrational. But few know how to identify and separate them, so often they rule our life. Learn how to identify your irrational thinking patterns and make them more rational, through rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT). Most times, we make the mistake of thinking that the events are the ones that bother us, which gives us little to no control at all. In fact, it is us that interpret all the events in our lives (both internal and external), and make them more or less important. Being able to understand this connection and differentiate the existing reality from the one we create, makes a whole lot of difference. You will learn how to make the connection between your thoughts and the way you feel and behave. This way, you will regain control of your life, feel happier and more productive. How will we do that? Simply - by teaching you the main disputing techniques that will give you control over your thoughts and thus, over your emotions and behaviors.
Who this course is for: People who want to identify their irrational thinking patterns People who want to experience less dysfunctional emotions People who want to have less maladaptive behaviours

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