Learn Make Intro View Using Flutter - Udemy Free Coupon

Learn Make Intro View Using Flutter - Udemy Free Coupon

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A Flutter package for simple material design app intro screens with some cool animations. - Free Course


A Flutter package for simple material design app intro screens with some cool animations.
Table of contents #
Getting Started
PageViewModel Class
IntroViewFlutter Class
Bugs or Requests
Features #
Easy addition of pages.
Circular page reveal.
Cool Animations.
Animation control, if the user stops sliding in the midway.
Skip button, for skipping the app intro.
Custom font selection.
Material Design.
Getting Started #
You should ensure that you add the intro_views_flutter as a dependency in your flutter project.
intro_views_flutter: '^2.8.0'

You should then run flutter packages get in your terminal so as to get the package.
Usage #
IntroViewsFlutter widget require a list of PageViewModel , and some other parameters. Refer the code below to create a PageViewModel page.
Final page = new PageViewModel(
pageColor: const Color(0xFF607D8B),
iconImageAssetPath: 'assets/taxi-driver.png',
iconColor: null,
bubbleBackgroundColor: null,
body: Text(
'Easy cab booking at your doorstep with cashless payment system',
title: Text('Cabs'),
mainImage: Image.asset(
height: 285.0,
width: 285.0,
alignment: Alignment.center,
titleTextStyle: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'MyFont', color: Colors.white),
bodyTextStyle: TextStyle(fontFamily: 'MyFont', color: Colors.white),

Now refer the code below to get the IntroViewsFlutter widget.
final Widget introViews = new IntroViewsFlutter(
onTapDoneButton: (){
//Void Callback
showSkipButton: true,
pageButtonTextStyles: new TextStyle(
color: Colors.white,
fontSize: 18.0,
fontFamily: "Regular",

For further usage refer the example available.
For Landscape preview click the link.
Note : If you added more than four pages in the list then there might be overlapping between page icons and skip button, so my suggestion is just make the showSkipButton: false.
Who this course is for: Students Mobile Developers Flutter Learner

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