Complete Bootstrap 4 course - build 3 projects - Udemy Free Coupon

Complete Bootstrap 4 course - build 3 projects - Udemy Free Coupon

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A complete Bootstrap 4 course for beginners. Master Bootstrap 4 basics with 3 projects - Free Course


Welcome to complete Bootstrap 4 training with 3 projects.
What is Bootstrap ?
While writing code for a web page, we want our code to be responsive. In mobile oriented world, most people access websites on small devices. In order to do so, we have to write a lot of CSS. Not just vanilla CSS, CSS that is responsive. I know, that is a pain.
Now, Imagine that If you could use CSS, written by someone else, that is fully responsive. Typical CSS things like button design, page structure design or sliders, already cooked up for you. Seems like unreal ?
This is exactly what Boostrap is.
What knowledge do I need before learning Bootstrap 4?
First thing, this is a sound up course and is not dependent on any previous version of Bootstrap. Although, there is some amount of HTML and CSS that you need with you. We won’t be discussing things like what a body tag does or How you can select a paragraph with specific class in CSS.
This is kind of a course that is perfect once you are finished with your basic HTML and CSS training.
What you will cover in this course ?
This course covers 3 main things.
Bootstrap 4 in depth A walk through for creating projects from scratch Ability to read documentation These 3 points may look really simple but these are fundamental blocks of getting started as a web developer. Our goal is to make sure that you understand syntax of Boostrap 4. Further together, we will make projects so that you can understand entire workflow of creating landing pages and web pages. Further we will also look at finding right things from digging into documentation of Bootstrap 4. New elements like Cards and media queries are also covered.
There is a lot to learn in here, Catch you up inside the course
Who this course is for: Ideal student for this course is one, who is looking for responsive web development Perfect course after finishing your basic HTML and CSS training one who wants to learn Bootstrap 4 from scratch

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