Devtools Pro: The Basics of Chrome Developer Tools - Udemy Free Coupon

Devtools Pro: The Basics of Chrome Developer Tools - Udemy Free Coupon

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A Quick Start Guide to Editing Live Web Pages - Free Course


This course is a simple introduction to the Google Chrome Developer Tools. In this course we'll cover the basics of devtools which are absolutely essential to productive web development.
And pssst... The course has a humourous twist--your instructor will teach you about amazing colors like blanchedalmond and cornflowerblue!
When you're finished you'll be able to:
Use the elements panel to modify and update live webpages with tools like the colorpicker and text shadow editor. Type simple Javascript commands in the console. Write and test larger blocks of code with the snippets panel. Understand how to stop and step through code with breakpoints and basic debugging. Learn how to simulate mobile devices for responsive development. Use the audits panel to get useful information about improving page load time. This is a free course meant to cover the absolute basics. After completing this, you'll have to tools and knowhow to become a DevTools wizard with my followup class, DevTools 2017: Beginner to Expert with Google Chrome Developer tools.
Who this course is for: Front End Developers Back End Developers Looking to Try Front End UI/UX Designers Software Engineers Project / Product Managers Anyone looking for a quick way to understand websites and web applications

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