Linux for Hackers and Pentesters - Udemy Free Coupon

Linux for Hackers and Pentesters - Udemy Free Coupon

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Linux is an open source operating system for computers. Linux is a Unix-like operating system, meaning that it supports multitasking and multi-user operation. Linux is widely used for supercomputers, mainframe computers, and servers. Linux can also run on personal computers, mobile devices, tablet computers, routers, and other embedded systems. One of the most prominent examples of this is the Android mobile operating system, which is based on the Linux Kernel. Linux is capable of running many of the same applications and software as Windows and Mac OS X. Linux operating systems, software, and applications are commonly referred to as Linux distributions (distros for short).

Linux is an extremely popular operating system for hackers. There are two main reasons behind this. First off, Linux’s source code is freely available because it is an open source operating system. This means that Linux is very easy to modify or customize. Second, there are countless Linux security distros available that can double as Linux hacking software.
Malicious actors typically use tools such as password crackers, network and vulnerability scanners, and intrusion detection software. These Linux hacking tools all serve different purposes and are used for a wide range of attacks.
Password crackers are software developed for decoding passwords in a variety of formats, such as encrypted or hashed passwords. Many cracking distros offer additional functionality such as network detectors and wireless packet sniffing. Malicious actors use these Linux hacking tools because they offer a simple way to gain access to an organization’s network, databases, directories, and more. Password cracking distros are commonly used in Linux wifi hacking (Linux hacking that targets wireless networks).

Who this course is for: Anyone who want to kickstart their Ethical Hacking career

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