Complete Domain and Hosting Masterclass for anybody who wants to completely understand what domain web hosting is. - Free Course
After 10 years of experience in web hosting and the world of online in general, I’ve decided to create this course guide with goal to help people with their journey online and encountering web hosting world. This guide was written to explain web hosting in detail using simple language. Regardless of whom your host is and what your desires are, this course will show you how to get the most of the hosting account.
This course is for anybody who wants to understand what domains, web hosting and web development is. The course covers a vast area which starts from domains to designing a website, starting your own domain and web hosting reseller business and so on. After doing this course you will have a clear idea about all aspects of web hosting and web development. You will easily be able to design any website and also start your own hosting business. If you are a business owner, you can take this course and you will have an idea about all these web-related services.
How much of this guide should you watch?
Watch what you want, but to get the most value I recommend watching the whole thing! While