Linux KVM for System and cloud Engineers - Udemy Free Coupon

Linux KVM for System and cloud Engineers - Udemy Free Coupon

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Learn KVM Installation, Configuration and Administration on CentOS and RHEL - Free Course


KVM (Kernel based Virtual Machine) is the virtualization solution for Linux. It consist of a loadable Kernel module that allows the Linux Kernel to work as a Hypervisor. KVM provides hardware-assisted virtualization for a wide variety of guest operating systems.
Under KVM, each VM is a Linux process that is scheduled and managed by the kernel and has private virtualized hardware (i.e CPU, network card, disk, etc.). It also supports nested virtualization, which allows you to run a VM inside another VM.
In this course, we are going to cover the objectives on KVM ( Kernel Based Machines) , we will discuss the following topics with appropriate LABs at end of the session :
Quick Introduction to Hypervior and KVM :
What is a Hypervisor ?
KVM Quick Intro , its Pros/Cons and Terminology
KVM Installation and Configuration
LAB Details, Pre-Reqs for KVM Installation
KVM Installation
KVM Network Configuration
KVM Storage Pool Configuration
Creating Guest Virtual Machines
KVM Administration
Management of Guest Virtual Machines
Backup (Snapshots) of Guest Virtual Machines
Expanding the disk sizes of Guest Virtual Machine
Guest Virtual Machines Snapshot Create/Restore
Renaming a Guest VM
Increasing resources on of Guest Virtual Machines
Cloning a guest VM
Troubleshooting the KVM issues.
VM restore
KVM vBridge creation (Host Only and NAT)
KVM (Kernel based Virtual Machine) is the virtualization solution for Linux. It consist of a loadable Kernel module that allows the Linux Kernel to work as a Hypervisor. KVM provides hardware-assisted virtualization for a wide variety of guest operating systems.

Who this course is for: Beginner cloud engeneers Beginner system administrator

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