Ethical Hacking - Phase 1 - Reconnaissance - Udemy Free Coupon

Ethical Hacking - Phase 1 - Reconnaissance - Udemy Free Coupon

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Performing Basic Information Gathering - Free Course


Kali is a penetration testing Linux distribution created by Offensive Security. It holds a repository of multiple tools for security-related engineers including hacking wireless networks, web applications, databases, Reverse engineering, password crackers, and much more! As you can see, Kali is a versatile and powerful tool for anyone looking to do any cybersecurity-related work.

Keep in mind this is a basics course, which means this course is a beginner’s guide Ethical Hacking - Phase 1 – Reconnaissance. We will cover Active and Passive techniques, and the tools used to perform the information gathering and reconnaissance. The main purpose of information Gathering is getting to know the target systems. This is the first process in ethical hacking. Reconnaissance is a set of processes and techniques (Footprinting, Scanning & Enumeration) used to covertly discover and collect information about a target system.

The course is broken into three main sections, and an introduction section, and we wrap up with a project to ensure you understand the process of information gathering and reconnaissance. The goal is to provide you with basic knowledge to get you started so you can take it from there. Remember this is not a field that you have can walkthrough. You will have to grow and adapt as the environment changes.

Remember this is a basic overview of information gathering and reconnaissance, the hope is you get in, understand the principles. Work through the assignments and exercises to help solidify your understanding of the topics covered in this course.

Who this course is for: Anybody who want to learn about Ethical Hacking reconnaissance techniques Any person willing to learn how to make their own penetration testing lab

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