Data Science and Analytics with AWS Quicksight and Power BI - Udemy Free Coupon

Data Science and Analytics with AWS Quicksight and Power BI - Udemy Free Coupon

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Learn to create Visualization Charts and Reports | Data Preparation | Finding Insights from Data - Free Course


Data Science has been one of the most demanded skillset that has been well reputed in this Internet age. Every moment, we are creating raw data by all our digital activities- from searching to streaming, shopping to learning and everything else. Not just humans, but street cameras, animals, IoT devices and countless other sources are also contributing to this massive pile of information. As someone said it correctly- Data is the new Oil. In order to find meaningful insights from a dataset that can drive business decisions and other actions we need certain tools and techniques where we can perform various operations on the dataset.
Microsoft Power BI is one of the popular tool that can be used to perform wide range of operations on a dataset. It can be used for creating some amazing Visualization charts and BI report that can be used to find critical insights from the dataset. In this course, you will learn to create a variety of visual charts and ways to customize them. You will learn to create-

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