Python Streamlit for making Web Applications - Udemy Free Coupon

Python Streamlit for making Web Applications - Udemy Free Coupon

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Want to make websites without using HTML, CSS and JS? Learn to use Streamlit to build Web Applications using only Python - Free Course


Learn to build interactive Web Applications using only Python's Streamlit. HTML, CSS and Js are not required. Using Streamlit is really easy and you can see its impact on your data apps in a very short span of time. This short course is a great way to get started with this amazing Python library.
We have several sections in this course. The course starts with an Introduction to Streamlit, advantages and official resources to get started with Streamlit.
Streamlit is a low code web development framework thereby making the development of web applications easy for citizen developers also. Through the course, great applications built by the Streamlit community have been showcased. Code walkthroughs are also included.
This helps the learner learn how Streamlit code is usually structured and get familiar with the nuances of the library. By the end of this course, you will have two Streamlit Web applications which you can further develop for your own purposes.
The course throws light upon the entire Streamlit development process, from starting a new Python file to deploying the application on the web so that it can be shared anywhere.
The instructor has won hackathons and competitions by building Web Applications using Streamlit.
Learn to use the most commonly used components that Streamlit provides and have a look at the various resources provide.
This course prepares you to take a Web Application from scratch to deployment.
Come, join the Streamlit wave!
Who this course is for: Developers who wish to develop Web Applications using Python without having to learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Students Python and Streamlit enthusiasts

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