Building an IMDB clone with Javascript (Express) and Neo4j - Udemy Free Coupon

Building an IMDB clone with Javascript (Express) and Neo4j - Udemy Free Coupon

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Learning by example with Neo4j - Free Course


You’re a JavaScript developer interested in Neo4j and want to build a web app, microservice, or mobile app. You’ve already read up on Neo4j, played around with some datasets, and learned enough Cypher to get started.
Now you’re looking for a demo app or template to start putting those skills into practice.
This course provides an overview on everything that you need to build a Neo4j application. The Express framework is used as the back-end, and React as front-end. To keep concepts simple, the application is an IMDB clone with basic account authentication and movie recommendation functionality.
Who this course is for: Developers interested in getting started with Neo4j

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