Nuxt.js - Blazing Fast Static Sites with Vue.js (for FREE) - Udemy Free Coupon

Nuxt.js - Blazing Fast Static Sites with Vue.js (for FREE) - Udemy Free Coupon

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Build highly amazing Vue JS apps with Nuxt.js. Nuxt uses server-side-rendering and a folder-based configuration. - Free Course


In this class we will be using Nuxt JS to create static generated websites that are amazing for SEO ranking and loading speed! Regular websites don't allow search crawlers to see the content of your page, therefore you never rank. Nuxt JS uses Vue JS, so if you are familiar with Vue JS, you will be set for this course. With Nuxt js, the site is generated into plain HTML so that the search crawlers can actually read it! How would you like to be forced to read Latin when you do not even know a single word? Be nice to the search crawlers and use NUXT NOW!
Who this course is for: Beginner Programmers Web Developers

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