Learn various cloud services on AWS- Glue, Athena, Quicksight and Comprehend - Free Course
Welcome to this course on Machine Learning and Data Science with AWS. Amazon Web services or AWS is one of the biggest cloud computing platform where everything gets deployed to scale and action. Understanding the concepts and methods are vital, but being able to develop and deploy those concepts in forms of real life applications is something that is most weighted by the industry. Thus, here in this course, we are focused on ways you can use various cloud services on AWS to actually build and deploy you ideas into actions on multiple domains on Machine Learning and Data Science. You could be an IT professional looking for job change or upgrading your skillset or you could be a passionate learner or cloud certification aspirant, this course is for wider audience that if formed by the people who would like to learn any of these or a combination of these things-
Create and Analyze dataset to find insights and spot outliers or trends