Beginning with Android Development : First App and Beyond - Udemy Free Coupon

Beginning with Android Development : First App and Beyond - Udemy Free Coupon

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Learn creating and running first android app. Also learn making more advanced app and cover all topics side by side. - Free Course


Who should take this class ?
Anyone who wants to start with android application development or wants to have an idea how an android application is developed. This Class will give you a base to start with Android Development and you will be able to learn things in few weeks which may usually take more the few months when self learned. Perfect for aspiring Mobile Entrepreneurs (Mobipreneurs).
This Class will cover all these basic topics you should know to build any kind of android application -
1.Setting Up Android Development Environment.
2.Creating Android Emulator and Running First App.
3.Creating First Simple Hello World Application and understanding Android Project Structure and Software Used.
4.Learning beyond HelloWorld App features
5.Creating another advanced Application (ToDo App)
6.Layouts and controls in android
8.Understanding Intents
9.Event Listeners
10.Building Menus
11.Creating Notifications
12.Creating Dialogs
13.Creating and using Toast
14.and Some Bonus Videos
Who this course is for: Beginners People who want to startup Android App development Entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs Those who want to start with android development easily and save months of initial frustration

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