Building COVID-19 Live Dashboard using Dash Plotly in Python - Udemy Free Coupon

Building COVID-19 Live Dashboard using Dash Plotly in Python - Udemy Free Coupon

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Learn how to create a COVID-19 Dashboard like Worldometer Using Dash & Plotly in Python. - Free Course


In this course, we will look at how to create a COVID-19 Dashboard that will follow the design and functionality closely of Worldometer Using Dash and Plotly in Python.

We will look at how to create Dashboard which will use the Live Data provided by John Hopkins University, the same source used by Google.

We will be first looking at the Dash Framework, how it works, and what goes behind it.

Dash is an open-source Python framework used for building analytical web applications. It is a powerful library that simplifies the development of data-driven applications. It’s especially useful for Python data scientists who aren’t very familiar with web development. Users can create amazing dashboards in their browser using dash.

Built on top of Plotly.js, React, and Flask, Dash ties modern UI elements like dropdowns, sliders and graphs directly to your analytical python code.

Once we are familiar with the Framework, we will build the components of our Dashboard one by one.

We will learn how to create:

1. Dropdowns
2. Indicators
3. Line Plots
4. Tables
5. Geoplots - World & US
6. Radio Buttons
7. Bar Plots
8. Content Cards

Through this practical Dashboard, the course will equip you with all the necessary knowledge to build real-time dashboards using Dash & Plotly.

Who this course is for: Beginner Data Scientists Experienced Data Scientists Beginner Python Developers interested in data science

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