Create Your Personal Cryptocurrency for Less Than One Dollar - Udemy Free Coupon

Create Your Personal Cryptocurrency for Less Than One Dollar - Udemy Free Coupon

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Personalized Currency For Gamers, Streamers, and Content Creators - Free Course


If you have always wanted to have your own cryptocurrency, then this course is for you. In this short course, you will learn absolutely everything that you need to know in order to create your own customized cryptocurrency on the Polygon blockchain and it will cost you literal pennies. From setting up your Metamask wallet to developing and deploying a basic smart contract, you will quickly have your own cryptocurrency up and running. With tips and tricks that will save your time and money, you will have your own smart contract written and deployed in less than an afternoon. If you have a computer with internet access, I will show you how to generate a personalized cryptocurrency and send it to another wallet for literal pennies. Looking for a gift for that person who already has everything? Make your DaveCoin and send a million of them to your friend's digital wallet. You don't have to share that it only costs you a few cents to create. Not only is this process inexpensive, but it requires no prior programming knowledge or cryptocurrency experience. With easy steps and time-saving hacks (including a smart contract template), you could have millions of your own cryptocurrency in your free and secure digital wallet in less than an hour.
This course is brought to you by the Noname Nerd, helping gamers, streamers, and content creators around the world build their personal brands and grow their followings. We are pleased to show you step-by-step how to become a cryptocurrency millionaire for less than a dollar and less than an hour. It's a fun and easy way to learn about the cryptocurrency space.
Who this course is for: Gamers, streamers, or content creators interested in their own personal cryptocurrency

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