Lifetime Course for Competitive Programming in C++ - Udemy Free Coupon

Lifetime Course for Competitive Programming in C++ - Udemy Free Coupon

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This is an introductory level course which will teach the basics of problem solving and the concepts revolving it. - Free Course


This is an introductory level course which will teach the basics of problem solving and the concepts revolving it. The videos, problems, etc. will be updated very frequently. All the important topics required such as STL which includes topics such as Vectors, Pairs, HashMap, etc. are involved in this course. Don't worry if you are new to coding, YOU have come to the right place. Every problem we solve, increases your critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and also more understanding about trying different approaches to solve a certain problem whilst keeping the provided constraints in mind.

An explained pseudocode which has the brief objective and our approach to solve the problem.
The code I have written previously as well as the live code we have written.
An full in-depth explanatory video which has the proper explanation to each and every line of code written and also the revolving concepts, other approaches to solve, mistakes many students commit, etc.
Other materials to refer to obtain more information, other solved problems on it, etc.

We know coding is no joke when it comes to contests, so I'll take the duty to make you contest ready and also solve problems in multiple ways.
No better sutra to learn coding, apart from practicing it. And I'll provide you exactly with that. Let's learn to code together. Welcome on-board!
Who this course is for: Beginner coder who has just started to learn to code and is enthusiastic to learn competitive coding, and improve problem solving skills.

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