Learn how to use Bootstrap to apply classes to HTML pages for styling. Make responsive websites from scratch quickly - Free Course
Bootstrap helps you create webpages faster!
Connect the Bootstrap framework to your web projects, to access amazing classes that can easily be added to HTML pages to create styling. Bootstrap also provides a number of commonly used components that can also be added with classes and attributes into your web pages.
This course is designed to show you how to build your own custom website from scratch using Bootstrap as a framework. Bootstrap has you covered, it lets you take the repetitive styling work out of you web design projects and focus your time on the user experience.
This is a unique web project designed for beginners to learn more about how to make websites with Bootstrap. This course includes a step by step approach, beginning with a blank file and showing you how to build a website.
Source code is included so you can work alongside the lessons and create your own project.
HD quality video
Learn how to add classes
build a navbar menu
add Google maps APi
create content sections
explore the Bootstrap Grid
useful jQuery components
I'm here to help you learn Bootstrap and ready to answer any questions you may have. Enroll now and see what you can do with Bootstrap.
Who this course is for:
Web developers
web designers
anyone who wants to create their own website with code
anyone who wants to learn about responsive web design
anyone who wants to make custom websites